Papers in refereed journals:
- Di Cristofaro D., Frangi A., Cremonesi M., (2025) 3D Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation with an Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian approach with applications to Flying Objects, Engineering with Computers, accepted
- Fu C., Cremonesi M., Perego U., Hudobvinik B., Wriggers P. (2025) Particle Virtual Element Method (PVEM): an agglomeration Technique for Mesh Optimization in Explicit Lagrangian Free-surface Fluid Modelling, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 433, Part A, 117461, DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2024.117461
- Rizzieri G., Ferrara L., Cremonesi M. (2024) Simulation of viscoelastic free surface flows with the Particle Finite Element Method, Computational Particle Mechanics, DOI: 10.1007/s40571-024-00730-1
- Lamperti A., Cremonesi M., Perego U., Russo A., Lovadina C. (2024) A Hu-Washizu variational approach to self-stabilized quadrilateral Virtual Elements: 2D linear elastodynamics, Computational Mechanics, DOI: 10.1007/s00466-023-02438-0
- Cremonesi M., Lamperti A., Lovadina C., Perego U., Russo A. (2024) Analysis of a stabilization free quadrilateral Virtual Element for 2D linear elasticity in the Hu-Washizu formulation, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 155, pp. 142-149, DOI: j.camwa.2023.12.001.
- Fu C., Cremonesi M., Perego U. (2024) An hybrid Lagrangian and Eulerian Particle Finite Element Method for free-surface fluid-structure interaction problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 125(5):e7402, DOI:10.1002/nme.7402
- Rizzieri G., Ferrara L., Cremonesi M. (2024) Numerical Simulation of the Extrusion and Layer Deposition Processes in 3D Concrete Printing with the Particle Finite Element Method, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 73, pp. 277–295, DOI:10.1007/s00466-023-02367-y
- Lamperti A., Cremonesi M., Perego U., Russo A., Lovadina C. (2023) A Hu-Washizu variational approach to self-stabilized Virtual Elements: 2D linear elastostatics, Computational Mechanics, Vol. 71 pp. 935–955, DOI:10.1007/s00466-023-02282-2
- Pisanò F., Betto D., Della Vecchia G., Cremonesi M. (2022) Pipeline flotation in liquefied sand: a simplified transient model, Ocean Engineering, 266(5): 113146, DOI:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.113146
- Di Cristofaro D., Opreni A., Cremonesi M., Carminati R., Frangi A. (2022) An Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian approach for estimating energy dissipation in micromirrors, Actuators, 11(10):298. DOI:10.3390/act11100298
- Fu C., Cefis N., Cremonesi M., Perego U., Caserini S., Grosso M., (2022) Design of Glass Containers for Submarine Carbon Storage, Packaging Technology and Science, DOI: 10.1002/pts.2624
- Meduri S., Cremonesi M., Frangi A., Perego U. (2022) A Lagrangian fluid-structure interaction approach for the simulation of airbag deployment, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 198, 103659, DOI:10.1016/j.finel.2021.103659
- Ghisi A., Cremonesi M., Perego U., Corradi A., Gemelli F., Mantica S. (2021) Consistent Implicit Time Integration for Viscoplastic Modelling of Subsidence above Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Applied Sciences, vol. 11(8), 3513, DOI:10.3390/app11083513
- Franci A., Cremonesi M., Perego U., Crosta G., Oñate E. (2020) 3D Simulation of Vajont Disaster. Part 1: Numerical Formulation and Validation, Engineering Geology, vol. 279, pp.105854, DOI:10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105854
- Franci A., Cremonesi M., Perego U., Oñate E., Crosta G. (2020) 3D Simulation of Vajont Disaster. Part 2: Multi-Failure Scenarios, Engineering Geology, vol. 279, pp. 105856, DOI:10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105856
- Cremonesi M., Franci A., Idesohn S., Oñate E. (2020) A state of the art review of the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM), Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, vol 27, pp. 1709-1735, DOI:10.1007/s11831-020-09468-4 (download here)
- Pisanò F., Cremonesi M., Cecinato F., Della Vecchia G. (2020) CFD-Based Framework for Analysis of Soil–Pipeline Interaction in Reconsolidating Liquefied Sand, ASCE’s Journal of Engineering Mechanics, vol 146 (10), 04020119, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001846
- Franci A., Cremonesi M., Perego U., Oñate E. (2020) A Lagrangian Nodal Integration Method for Free-Surface Fluid Flows, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol 361, 112816, DOI:10.1016/j.cma.2019.112816
- Cremonesi M., Meduri S., Perego U. (2020) Lagrangian-Eulerian enforcement of non-homogeneous boundary conditions in the Particle Finite Element Method, Computational Particles Mechanics, vol. 7, pp. 41-56 , DOI:10.1007/s40571-019-00245-0
- Della Vecchia G., Cremonesi M., Pisanò F. (2019) On the use of the dam breaking test for the rheological characterization of liquefied sands, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol. 43(7), pp. 1410-1425, DOI:10.1002/nag.2905
- Meduri S., Cremonesi M., Perego U. (2019) An efficient runtime mesh smoothing technique for 3D explicit Lagrangian free surface fluid flow simulations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 117(4), pp. 430-452, DOI:10.1002/nme.5962
- Franci A., Cremonesi M. (2019) 3D regularized mu(I)-rheology for granular flows simulation, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 378, pp. 257-277, DOI: 10.1016/
- Meduri S., Cremonesi M., Perego U., Bettinotti O., Kurkchubasche A., Oancea V. (2018), A partitioned fully explicit Lagrangian Finite Element Method for highly nonlinear Fluid-Structure-Interaction problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol 113(1), pp. 43-64, DOI:10.1002/nme.5602
- Cremonesi M., Meduri S., Perego U., Frangi A. (2017) An explicit Lagrangian finite element method for free-surface weakly compressible flows, Computational Particles Mechanics, vol. 4(3), pp.357-369, DOI:10.1007/s40571-016-0122-7
- Franci A., Cremonesi M. (2017) On the effect of standard PFEM remeshing on volume conservation in free-surface fluid flow problems, Computational Particles Mechanics, vol. 4 (3), pp. 331-343, DOI: 10.1007/s40571-016-0124-5
- Ferrara L., Cremonesi M., Faifer M., Toscani S., Sorelli L., Baril M-A., Réthoré J., Baby F., Toutlemonde F., Bernardi S. (2017) Structural elements made with highly flowable UHPFRC: Correlating computational fluid dynamics (CFD) predictions and non-destructive survey of fiber dispersion with failure modes, Engineering Structures, vol 133, pp. 151-171, DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.12.026
- Cremonesi M., Ferri F., Perego U. (2017) A basal slip model for Lagrangian finite element simulations of 3D landslides,International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, vol 41, pp 30-43, DOI:10.1002/nag.2544
- Cremonesi M., Frangi A.(2016) Lagrangian Finite Element Method for 3D compressible flow applications, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol 311, pp 374-392
- Frangi A., Cremonesi M. (2016) Semi-analytical and numerical estimates of anchor losses in bistable MEMS, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol 92-93, pp 141-148 DOI:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.02.038
- Roussel N., Gram A., Cremonesi M., Ferrara L., Krenzer K., Mechtcherine V., Shyshko S., Skocec J. Spangenberg J., Svec O., Thrane L.N., Vasilic K, (2016) Numerical simulations of concrete flow: A benchmark comparison, Cement and Concrete Research, vol 79, pp 265-271 DOI: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2015.09.022
- Bartezzaghi A., Cremonesi M., Parolini N., Perego U., (2015) An explicit dynamics GPU structural solver for thin shell elements, Computers & Structures, vol 154, pp. 29-40, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2015.03.005
- Segovia-Fernandez J., Cremonesi M., Cassella C., Frangi A., Piazza G. (2015) Anchor losses inAlN contour mode resonators, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol 24 (2), pp .265-275DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2014.2367418
- Cremonesi M., Néron D., Guidault P.A., Ladevèze P., (2013) A PGD-based homogenitazion technique for nonlinear multiscale problems, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 267(1), pp. 275-292
- Frangi A., Cremonesi M., Jaakkola A., Pensala T., (2013) Analysis of anchor and interface losses in piezoelectric MEMS resonators, Sensors and Actuators A, vol. 190, pp. 127-135, DOI:10.1016/j.sna.2012.10.022
- Ferrara L., Cremonesi M., Tregger N., Frangi A., Shah S., (2012) On the identification of the rheological properties of cement suspensions: rheometry, Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling and field test measurements, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 42 (8), pp. 1134-1146, DOI:10.1016/j.cemconres.2012.05.007
- Cremonesi M., Frangi A., Perego U., (2011) A Lagrangian Finite Element approach for the simulation of water-waves induced by landslides, Computers & Structures, vol.89 (11-12), pp. 1086-1093, DOI:10.1016/j.compstruc.2010.12.005
- Cremonesi M., Ferrara L., Frangi A., Perego U., (2010) Simulation of the flow of fresh cement suspensions by a Lagrangian Finite Element approach, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, vol. 165, pp. 1555-1563, DOI:10.1016/j.jnnfm.2010.08.003
- Cremonesi M., Frangi A., Perego U., (2010) A Lagrangian finite element approach for the analysis of fluid-structure interaction problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol 84, pp. 610–630,DOI:10.1002/nme.2911
Papers submitted
Beckermann M., Scanff R., Cremonesi M., Barbarulo A. (2025) A new strategy to manage time evolving spatial domains with the Proper Generalized Decomposition
Rizzieri G., Meni S., Cremonesi M., Ferrara L. (2025) A Particle Finite Element Method for investigating the influence of material and process parameters in 3D Concrete Printing
Rizzieri G., Marcucci A., Guanziroli S., Cremonesi M., Ferrara L. (2025) A Numerical Framework for Fibre Orientation Prediction in Fibre-Reinforced Concrete Tunnel Linings
Lanteri F., Cremonesi M. (2025) A Mesh-based Graph Neural Network approach for surrogate modeling of Lagrangian free surface fluid flows
Sun D., Pescialli E., Li Q., Cremonesi M., Lovadina C., Perego U., Russo A.(2025) Deltahedral self-stabilized virtual elements for 3D linear elastostatics problems